Magnetohydrodynamics is the study of the interaction of magnetic fields with electrically-conducting fluids. The movement or flow of a conductor through a magnetic field creates electric fields through Faraday's Law, which then creates currents and a secondary magnetic field through Ampere's Law. These together in turn create a Lorentz force that reacts back on the flow. This duality -- flow interacts with field and field interacts with flow -- makes MHD a very subtle and difficult subject, and yet a perfect one for an approach via applied mathematics. The goal of this course is to gain some intuition into MHD and learn some applied mathematics at the same time. Ultimately, MHD has many fascinating applications in astrophysics, geophysics, plasma physics and metallurgy.
INSTRUCTOR: Nic Brummell
CLASS TIME: Tue/Thu 3:20-4:55pm
CLASS LOCATION: Cowell 222 (we may change this, depending on how many people sign up!)